

Woman Smiling
Pre-Treatment Xray showing a Class 1 Crowded Malocclussion

Case Study: Class I Crowded Malocclusion With Moderate Crowding

Share a doctor’s experience treating a 48-year-old female patient with a Class I crowded malocclusion with moderate maxillary and mandibular crowding using the Damon Ultima PSL System. The treatment objectives focused on creating space, improving the smile arc, and developing the posterior segments while maintaining proper torque control.

Feb 11, 2024 5 min
Damon Ultima Bracket close up photo

Damon Ultima System: Advanced features for efficiency and precision.

The Damon Ultima System is an advanced orthodontic solution that offers orthodontists a superior option for efficient and precise treatment. With passive self-ligating (PSL) brackets, the system reduces friction and force during sliding mechanics, allowing for quicker alignment and leveling of teeth with minimal discomfort for patients. The unique design of the Damon Ultima bracket and round-sided rectangular wire provides precise control over tooth movements, including rotation, angulation, and torque.

Sep 07, 2023

Unsightly Gum Tissue Can Be Treated Non-Surgically To Improve Your Smile

The majority of orthodontic patients come in to see an orthodontist to straighten their teeth and fix other obvious issues such as overcrowding, gaps, overbite, underbite, crossbite, etc. But what many patients don’t often know is getting that “million-dollar smile” can involve more than just aligning teeth, depending on the case.

Aug 27, 2021 5 min